전화통화 016 :

그 외 전화와 관련된 표현들

그 외 전화와 관련된 표현들
1 He was not answering his phone.
= He didn't answer the(his) phone.
= He was not picking up the phone.
= He didn't pick up his phone.
= He's not answering.
걔 전화 안 받던데.
2 The line was busy. 통화 중이던데.
3 The line is busy. 통화 중이야.
4 I was getting busy signals. 통화 중이던데.
5 He turned off his phone. 걔 전화 꺼 놨던데.
6 His phone got disconnected. 전화 끊어졌어. / 서비스 정지됐어.
7 He hung up on me. 걔가 전화 끊어버렸어. (통화 중에 상대방이 전화를 끊을 때)
Don't hang up on me like that, ok? 그런 식으로 전화 끊지 마라, 어?
8 My call got cut off. 전화가 끊어졌네.
9 Go pick up the phone. 가서 전화 받아.
10 Go answer the phone. / No, you go. 가서 전화 받아. / 싫어, 네가 가.
11 My cell phone battery died on me. 내 휴대폰 배터리가 나갔어.
12 I can't hear you well.
You're breaking up on me.
말 소리가 잘 안들려.
전화가(말소리가) 끊겨서 들려.
작성된 글이 없습니다.
로그인 시 글작성이 가능합니다.
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전화통화 016 그 외 전화와 관련된 표현들 로그인 필요