표현사전 049 :

1. 난 어제 전화로 병가를 내야 했어.
2. 그 사람 오늘도 아파서 못 온다고 전화 왔어.
1. Yesterday, I had to call in sick to work.
2. He called in sick today as well.
call in sick
전화로 병가 내다
1. 이번 주말에 우리 회식할건데. 너 올래?
2. 우리 회식하니까 너무 좋네요. 정말 재미있었어요.
1. This weekend we’re having a company get-together. Would you like to come?
2. I’m glad that we had a company get-together. It was so much fun!
have a company get-together
1. 난 회사의 웹사이트 프로젝트를 수행하고 월급 받아.
2. 그 사람 월급 많이 받아.
1. I get paid a salary for the company's website project.
2. He gets paid a large salary.
get paid a salary
월급을 받다
1. 엄마, 저 매니저로 승진했어요!
2. 난 작년에 관리자로 승진했고, 지금까지 잘 해 왔어.
1. Mother, I was promoted to manager!
2. I was promoted to a supervisor last year and it has been great.
be promoted to ~
~로 승진하다
1. 연차 낼 때까지 어떻게 기다리냐.
2. 너 올해는 언제 휴가 낼 거야?
1. I can't wait to take my annual vacation!
2. When are you going to take your annual vacation this year?
take one's annual vacation
휴가를 내다, 연차를 내다
1. 나 다음 달에 하노이로 일주일간 출장 갈 예정이야.
2. 나는 출장 갈 예정이야."
1. I am going on a week long business trip next month to Hanoi.
2. I am going on a business trip.
go on a business trip
출장 가다
1. 켄지는 아프신 어머니 돌보는 걸 도우려고 휴직했어.
2. 돌아가신 아버지의 유산문제를 처리해야 해서 나 휴직해야 될 것 같아.
1. Kenji took a leave of absence to help care for his sick mother.
2. I need to take a leave of absence to handle my late father’s estate.
take a leave of absence
휴직하다, 휴학하다
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