패턴 009 :

Is this ~? / Is that ~?

1. Is this yours? : 이거 네 거니?
2. Is this your cell phone? : 이 휴대폰 네 거니?
3. Is this your brother’s? : 이거 네 동생 거야?
4. Is this Sam’s computer? : 이거 샘의 컴퓨터야?
5. Is this a joke or what? : 이거 농담이니 뭐니?
6. Is this a dream (or reality)? : 이거 꿈이냐, 생시냐?
7. Is that it? : 끝난 거죠? / 이젠 됐죠?
8. Is that a fact? : 그게 사실이니?
9. Is that too much? : 그게 너무 많니?
10. Is that you, Daniel? : 너 대니얼이니?
Is that it?
앞에서 “That’s it(다 됐어)”이라는 표현을 배웠죠? “Is that it?”은 그것을 의문문으로 바꾼 것뿐입니다. 이와 같이 “그게 ~야?”라고 물을 때에는 “Is that ~?”이라는 표현을 씁니다.

Is that you, Daniel?
“Is that you, Daniel?”은 상대방이 문 밖에 있거나 자신의 앞이 안 보이는 등 상대방이 누구인지 모르는 상황에서 상대방이 누구인지를 짐작하여 묻는 표현입니다.

Is this ~? / Is that ~?
“Is this ~?”로 묻거나 “Is that ~?”으로 묻거나, “응” 또는 “아니”라고 말할 때에는 그냥 ‘it’을 이용합니다.
15-05-07 21:23
Is this your book?
15-09-19 14:46
Yes, this is my book.
15-09-19 14:41
Is this yours?
Is this your brother's?
Is this Sam's computer?
Is that it?
Is that you, Daniel?
Is that too much?
Is that a fact?
15-09-19 14:45
Is this your cellphone?
Is this a joke or what?
Is this a dream or reality?
16-02-18 12:04
Is that it?
Is this a fact?
16-03-29 14:23
Is that your phone?
Is this your bag?
Is that a fact?
Is your mother?
16-04-06 15:49
is this korean style?
is this korean kimchi punchi?
is this bribe?
16-04-06 15:50
is that your books?
is that your bags?
is that your pants?
16-05-13 23:03
is this collect?
16-07-30 21:59
Is this a correct?
16-07-30 22:01
Is this your pet?
17-02-16 21:10
A: Is that you Daniel right?
B: yes
A: Is that a joke or what? the voice sounds like you are michael
17-08-16 11:11
It this your smartphone? we have the same phone!
로그인 시 글작성이 가능합니다.
패턴 제목 열람상태
패턴001 Are you~? #1 (142) 로그인 필요
패턴002 I am ~. #1 (54) 로그인 필요
패턴003 Are you ~? #2 (29) 로그인 필요
패턴004 I am ~. #2 (21) 로그인 필요
패턴005 Thank you. / I appreciate ~. (22) 로그인 필요
패턴006 You are ~. (12) 로그인 필요
패턴007 I’m sorry ~. / I’m afraid ~. (12) 로그인 필요
패턴008 That’s ~. (9) 로그인 필요
패턴009 Is this ~? / Is that ~? (13) 로그인 필요
패턴010 This is ~. (12) 로그인 필요
패턴011 Is it ~? (8) 로그인 필요
패턴012 It is ~. (11) 로그인 필요
패턴013 Is there ~? / Are there ~? (10) 로그인 필요
패턴014 There is ~. / There are ~. (8) 로그인 필요
패턴015 Do I ~? (5) 로그인 필요